T. Fisher Unwin Ltd London






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First published in ig2$

{All rights reserved)






Cape Colony,

October ii, 1901.


" /^ TRAY THOUGHTS on South AfHca, by a Returned ^w South African " (as they were originally entitled) vj were left by my late wife almost exactly as they now appear.

She went to England for the first time_egrly-4ft— t-^i and returned to South Africa towards the end of 1889. Cape Town not suiting her asthmatic chest, it was not long after her return that she made Matjesfontein her home. Matjesfontein is a railway-station on the main line, 195 miles from Cape Town and 2,955 feet above the sea-level. The climate suited her on the whole, and Cape Town, — where her family, friends and social interests were, — was not too far away. Here she leased a cottage which Mr. Logan, the owner of the little village and the large hotel, called " Schreiner Cottage."

It was here apparently that most of the " Stray Thought " articles were^ written {as well as ** Our Waste Land in Mashonaland," which is included in this volume). This would be from ^18 90 to somewhere towards the end of 1 892 ; for she again went to England in 1893, returning the same year.

The first article (Chapter I), dealing chiefly with the natural features of South Africa, was published in the Cape Times, Cape Town, as a *' (Revised Edition) " on the 1 8th August, 1 891, with the footnote ''(To be continued in The Fortnightly Review),'' and the last (Chapter VI) in_ 1900. The first five chapters appeared, as far as my knowledge goes, some of them in The Fortnightly Review, others in Cosmopolis, and the sixth chapter in The Cosmo-



politan. The last chapter on " The Englishman,** which many will regard as the most remarkable part of this volume, has not been published before, and was apparently never revised ; it was written so hurriedly that I had to type it myself, and only with great difficulty ; the manuscript starts abruptly on a page numbered 3. A pro- posed chapter on the Native Eaces was never written. " The Domestic Life of the South African Boer '* appeared in The Youth's Companion in November, 1899. It is not a part of " Stray Thoughts,'* but, from its nature, seems to find a fitting place in this book. " Our Waste Land in Mashonaland '* appeared in the Cape Times ^ simply as "Communicated,** on August 26th, 1891. The Dedica- tion, the Introduction, and the other Notes have not hitherto been published.

All the articles were carefully revised by her, as also the above-mentioned unpublished matter, except Chapter VIII. It will be seen from the " Notes ** that she was occupied with them at intervals, and, from the Prefatory Note, that she intended to publish them in 1896 soon after the Jameson Raid.

About this time, however, she began to write Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland^ which absorbed her time and attention to the exclusion of the ** Stray Thoughts.** She and I went to England in 1897, when she published Peter Halket, Not long after our return we went to Johannesburg and lived there until some little time before the Boer War started. Subsequently, on account of bad health, her doctor ordered her to leave. The Boer War and the distressing state of things in South Africa resulting therefrom, coupled with her ill-health and then the European War and the almost complete breakdown of her health, account largely, no doubt, for the non- publication of these Thoughts on South Africa,


Krantz Plaats, 6 Camden Street, Tam BOERS Kloof, Cape Town.

January 1923.


THESE ARTICLES wcrc Written four years ago ; the first, a description of South African scenery, appeared in The Fortnightly Review at that time.

The rest did not follow. This was owing to the fact that there were at the Cape at that time certain parties and persons who, using the Boers of South Africa for their own purpose, yet pandered to them that they might ultimately more successfully obtain their own ends.

These papers, written by one who had for years lived among the Boers, sharing their daily life and understanding their language, of necessity attempt to delineate, not only the. coarse external shell of the Boer, but the finer fibred kernel within, which those whose contact with him is superficial never see ; and while dwelling at great length upon the one great flaw which mars the relation of the Boer with Jiis fellow men in South Africa, these papers are of necessity sympathetic In their treatment of him.

Now, it appeared not well, at a time when certain men in South Africa were bending down to press their cheek against the heel of any pair of vel-schoens that might pass them, that any English voice should be raised which spoke in kindly tones of the Boer, lest the voice of the sympathizer should blend with and be mistaken for that of the flatterer.

It was certain that the time would come when again the Boer would stand in need of just treatment at the hands of Englishmen ; and these papers were therefore put aside.

That time has come.


The Boer has been struck a sore blow by the hand that stroked him ; and again it is necessary that he, with his antique faults and his heroic virtues, should be shown to the world as he is.

Therefore these papers, which make an attempt to delineate him in such guise as he lives, are now printed. They have been left as they stood save for the addition of a few foot-notes.


The Homestead, Kimberley, South Africa.

February 17, 1896.


















Note A. THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATION (1900) . . . 367


Note C. THE DOMESTIC LIFE OF THE BOER (1899) . . 387




ASA rule, the book which requires a preface of /\ explanation is a book better not written, and better Jl jL not read.

But certain parts of this book have appeared in periodicals and have caused, no doubt owing to the frag- mentary nature of their publication, some misconceptions which it might be worth while setting right.

It has been stated by some kindly critic that the subject of this little book was a valuable history of South Africa, while another has suggested my calling it " The History of the Boer."

Nothing has been farther from my thought than the writing of any history. In a far different manner I should have equipped myself had it been my intention to do so, "^ ' Dr. XJieal, in his History of South Africa^ has collected as -^ carefully and dealt as ably with the mere historical inci- dents of the last two hundred years as it is possible for any one person, in the course of one life, and from one point of view, to do.

Still less, as has been suggested, was it my intention to write a homily on South African problems and people.

This little book is something far less pretentious, and wholly different.

Born in South Africa, I felt from my childhood a wish to set down what I thought and felt about my native land. After I was grown up, but in my youth, I went to Europe for ten years, living in London but visiting the Continent continually.

When at the end of those ten years I came back to my native land, it was with an even added interest that I looked at its people and its problems and its physical




features, and the wish became stronger to jot down what I thought and felt with regard to it

This little book is the gratification of that wish.

It is not a history, it is not a homily, it is not a -^ political brochure — it is simply what one South African ! at the end of the nineteenth century thought, and felt, with regard to his native land : thought and felt with regard to its peoples, its problems and its scenery — it is . nothing more than this ; but it is also nothing less.

I do not think, simple as such a book is, it need be necessarily quite without interest for any but the writer.

I myself should like to know, apart from what the learned historians have to say, and apart from the views of passing travellers who have lived a few years in the country, and who therefore have never seen its life below the surface — I should like to know just what one ordinary Chinaman feels and thinks, or does not feel and think, with regard to his native land at the end of the nineteenth century. I should like to know just what he sincerely thinks of its pig-tails and its tea plantations, what he feels to its scenery on the banks of the Yangtsekiang, and in its northern mountain regions, and exactly how its pagodas, and its Mongolian dynasty, and the position of its women, and its flowers, and even its stiff gardens, strike him. I should be interested to know just what he feels towards its complex peoples, and the foreigners ; what he hopes for its future, and how he regards its past. His views might not always be correct, perhaps not often, but as long as they were sincerely his, set down to please no one and to grieve no one, but because they were his, they would have a certain interest for me. It would be the picture of only one John Chinaman — what he thought and felt towards his land, a purely personal document, but it might have a certain value !

Whatever value attaches to this little book is of this kind only. It is a personal document.

Had I the health to carry out my plans and to write somewhat in detail of what I think and feel with regard to our English folk in Africa, and above all of our Natives and their problems and difficulties, the little book might


have had a certain rotundity ; now it is a broken segment only. Nor should I publish it now were it not at the request of many friends ; for I am unable adequately to revise even this segment.

There is also one insignificant matter I should like to notice. It has been said I love the African Boer. That is true. But it has been given as a reason for my doing so that I share his blood, and that is not true. One could not belong to a more virile folk, but I have no drop of Dutch blood.

My father was a South German, born in Wiirtemberg, who studied at Basel, and when only twenty-one years old came to London, where he married my mother, of purely English blood ; and together with her came to Africa as a missionary about the year 1836.^ My training was exclusively and strongly English. I did not begin learning any other language till I was eight and have never gained the complete mastery of any other. It is my mother speech and England is my mother land.

Neither do I owe it to early training that I value my fellow South Africans of Dutch descent. I started in life with as much insular prejudice and racial pride as it is given to any citizen who has never left the little Northern Island to possess. I cannot remember ever being exactly instructed in these matters by any one, rather, I suppose, I imbibed my view as boys coming to a town where there are two rival schools imbibe a prejudice towards the boys of the other school, without ever being definitely instructed on the matter. I cannot remember a time when I was not profoundly convinced of the superiority of the English, their government and their manners, over all other peoples.

One of my earliest memories is of walking up and down on the rocks behind the little Mission House in which I was born and making believe that I was Queen Victoria and that all the world belonged to me. That being the case, I ordered all the black people in South ifrica to be collected and put into the desert of Sahara, nd a wall built across Africa shutting it off ; I then jrdained that any black person returning south of that line should have his head cut off. I did not wish to make

« It was at the end of 1838.-— S.C.C.S.



slaves of them, but I wished to put them where I need never see them, because I considered them ugly. I do not remember planning that Dutch South Africans should be put across the wall, but my objection to them was only a little less.

I cannot have been more than four years old when a Boer family outspanned their ox-wagon on the veld near our mission house. As I was walking past it a little girl of about my own age, wearing, like myself, a great white cotton kapje, climbed off the trap at the back of the wagon and came towards me holding out her hand. In it was a little fistful of dark-brown sugar, a treat to up-country children in the wilds where sweetmeats were rare. She held it out to me without saying a word. I was too polite to refuse to take it, but, as soon as I had gone a few steps, I opened my hand behind me and let it drop. To have eaten sugar that had been in the hand of a Boer child would have been absolutely impossible to me. Often, in later years, I have seen those two small figures standing there in the African afternoon sunshine in their great white kapjes, as in a way allegoric of the whole relation between the Anglo-Saxon and the Boer in South Africa.

It was about the same time that a minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, but a Scotchman by descent, came to spend a night at our station. The accommodation of an up-country mission house is limited, and I had to give him up my bed. On the night following when bedtime came I inquired if fresh sheets had been put on my bed ; on being told they had not and that the clergyman had only slept in them one night and I might well use them, I absolutely refused to get in. Nothing, I said, would ever induce me to sleep between sheets a Dutchman had slept between. It was in vain it was protested he was not a Dutchman though called a Dutch minister ; I was resolute and passed the night on the outside of the quilt.

These trivial facts are not wholly without interest as showing the possible mental attitude of the members of one society towards each other if divided by race ; and they will, I think, serve to show that whatever sympathy i6


I have felt with my fellow South Africans of other races is not the result of early bias or training.

I remember it as often a subject of thought within myself at this time, why God had made us, the English, so superior to all other races, and, while feeling it was very nice to belong to the best people on earth, having yet a vague feeling that it was not quite just of God to have made us so much better than all the other nations. I have only to return to the experiences of my early infancy to know what the most fully developed Jingoism means.

Later on, my feeling for the Boer changed, as did, later yet, my feeling towards the native races ; but this was not the result of any training, but simply of an increased knowledge.

When I was six years old, on a long journey from one part of South Africa to another, our wagon outspanned at a Boer's farm and we spent a day and a night there. I must often have visited a Boer farm-house before, but this visit made a curiously deep impression on me, from which I date the beginning of that consciousness of a certain political charm about the Boer and his life, which has never left me. The orange trees before the door, the first I had ever seen, with their sweet-scented leaves ; the great clean, bare " voorhuis '' (front room) with its mud floors and its chairs and sofa with reimpje ^ seats ; the good old mother with her good-natured smile, sitting in her elbow chair, with her coffee table at her side and her feet on a stove ; the little shy children, who, as I could not speak Dutch nor they English, brought me silently their little toys and patchwork to look at and who were so anxious to be friendly (some of these children are now, I believe, languishing as political prisoners in English prisons !) ; the strange cool stillness of the air next morning when we rose at dawn to continue our journey ; the bleating of the sheep in the kraals, where the farmer's sons had already gone to count them out ; the great blue mountain behind the house, with the still deep blue shadow beneath the krantzes ^ on its top ; and the farm-house

I Reimpje — raw leather strips. » Krantzes = precipices.

B 17


becoming a small white speck with the orange trees before the door as our wagon crept away in the early light — all this made a profound impression on me ; and I am con- scious that I began to feel even then that charm which the still, free, simple life of the Boer on his land has since had for me.

Living in another part of Africa, three years later, it was my duty every morning to go to a Boer farm-house, about a mile off, to fetch milk. Not more pleasant in my memory is the scent of the quince hedges I had to pass, or the rushing between its stepping-stones of the river I had to cross, than of the little daub-and-wattle house of two rooms, with its mud floors and green windows, with the good old mother, very stout, sitting always in her elbow-chair beside the little coffee-table however early I came, and the great buxom daughters bustling about, while the little bare-foot children ran off to the kraal with my pail to fill it. They were the poorest class of by-woners (persons who have no land of their own and live on the land of others), and the little front room with its mud floor was often very full of flies in the summer, but the African sunshine fell across the floor from one open door to the other ; and the good old mother used to make me sit on the stove at her feet, and smiled good-temperedly at my shy attempts to answer her questions in Dutch, of which I could at that time speak only a few broken words ; and sometimes she gave me a carnation or a bit of pietercillie from her garden. The little house with its inhabitants were all objects of interest and sympathy to me. But I am not at all sure that, small shy person that I was, I did not even then still regard myself as a person belonging to a quite superior race, surveying them as it were from a height with sympathetic interest.

It was at this time that I began to study the history of the Boers and the story of Slachters Nek, of the valiant stand made by Bezuidenhout's wife ; and the sufferings and wrongs of the old Fore-trekkers were often in my thoughts. I was convinced that, had I lived at the time of Slachters Nek, I would have saved the lives of those i8


five men, even at the risk of my own ; I would have gone to the Governor, I would have moved heaven and earth, I would have been a kind of Paladin redressing the wrongs of the Boer, and I almost regretted that I had not been born in those dark times that I might have lived for, and if necessary have died for, him. But still I did not really know the Boer ; he was only a far-off object of pity and sympathy.

It was some years later that I was first thrown into close personal contact with the South African Boer.

For five years I lived among -them as a teacher on their farmsT^sometimes among the more cultured, and sometimes among the more primitive but not one whit less lovable and intelligent, class. Sometimes for eighteen months I did not see an English face and was brought into the closest mental contact with them which is possible — the mental contact between teacher and taught. Watch- ing them in all the vicissitudes of life, from birth to marriage and death, I learnt to love the Boer, but more, I learnt to admire him. I learnt that in the African Boer we have one of the most intellectually virile and dominant races the world has seen ; a people who beneath a calm and almost stolid surface hide the intensest passions and the most indomitable resolution. Among the peoples of Europe I have been thrown into contact with, the Swiss and the Tyrolese of remote Alpine villages most resemble the African Boer ; but there is a certain quiet but high- -? spirited indomitableness and an unlimited power of self- / control which is characteristic of the average Boer man and above all the average Boer woman, which I have not met with in an equal degree in any other races, though individuals in all races may be found possessing it, and certain Boers of course have it not.

It has been asked me more than once, on what ground I based the staternent made before the present war began, in papers futilely written in the hope of preventing it, that, if England made war on the Republics, she would have to send out at least one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers to attack these small states, and that even then there was a possibility that the red African mier-kat might



ultimately creep back into its hole in the red African earth, torn and bleeding, but alive — it has been asked how I came to form this opinion, when military authorities, keen financiers and politicians held that at most twenty thousand soldiers and a few months would see the Republics crushed.

To this I have only one answer. I based my state- ment on my knowledge of the character of the Boer men, but above all of the Boer women. The measure of its women is ultimately the measure of any people's strength and resistile power. With the mother of the Gracchi, ' the Roman Republic in its might and vitality : with the effete Roman woman of a later period, the decadent Empire. The heart of the Boer woman is the true citadel of her people ; and while that remains unbroken, though every city be taken and every village and farm- house burnt, the people is yet to crush.

I have been blamed for an excessive love of the race, and an unwillingness to see its faults : but I hardly think this is true.

The Boer has to the full the defects of his qualities ; that scintillating intellectual brilliance and versatility, so common and so charming in the Frenchman and the Irishman, the Boer, even when highly cultured, seldom has : he is deep and strong rather than broad and bril- liant : indomitable when he does act, it takes much to rouse him into action ; he is slow and often heavy. And the Boer race has its Judases, as all other races have ; nor do I know of a more sorrowful sight than the descen- dant of the old Boer, speaking English often with so foreign an accent as to be laughable, yet playing the part of the extreme Anglo-Saxon ; losing thereby the charms of the Boer without attaining to the magnificent virtues which are characteristic of the best Englishman. But these persons are fortunately rare ; and behind them lies the great, solid, self-respecting mass of the Dutch South African people.

I do not appraise, as has been said, the Boer as higher or more valuable than other human varieties. A dogmatic statement as to the respective values of human varieties, 20


or even of races, has always appeared to me, since I passed out of my infantile state of ignorance, as impossible. Each race has its virtues and the deficiencies which are complemental to its virtues, and the loss of any one race would be to me the falling of a star from the human galaxy.

When one travels in Italy and sees its harmoniously featured people, and views that plastic art which the Italian alone has given the world in many of its noblest forms, and realizes the vast debt under which all the world rests to the Italian race for its influence on the fourteenth-century renaissance, and remembers the list of the mighty dead from Michael Angelo to Dante, one so considering the land and its people is inclined to say that it would be well to barter any folk to preserve Italy and her gifts to humanity. But when one crosses the Alps and enters quaint German villages with their simple folk and treads on the soil which was the birth-land of the Goethes and Kants and Beethovens and Luthers, who are the world's wealth as well as Germany's, when one considers that vast army of intellectual labourers who have made the name German synonymous with the search after knowledge and truth for truth's sake ; when one walks through the Rhine provinces with their sunshine, their vines, and their music, and their stalwart men and fair- faced women, with their German truth of heart, then it may be forgiven one who has any German blood in his veins if he feels inclined to seize a flag as children do and walk about waving it and crying, ** I am a German ! This is my Fatherland ! "

But should one cross the Rhine and live among that folk on the other side, so old in their civilization, so keenly alive, who have sufl^ered in the search for freedom, and are so capable of abandoning all for a lofty ideal ; when one considers Paris, that queen among the cities in beauty and in tragedy, her people scintillating with intellect and an opalescent life always varying, then one is inclined to say, " Take all, but leave us France, the right eye of the world ! "

And yet, should one cross to little Switzerland and



little Holland, where one knows one stands on ground made sacred in past ages as the battle-ground where mighty empires which sought to crush freedom were repelled, and studies that virile folk, one is inclined to exclaim, *' There would be nothing more grand than to belong to one of these small heroic great peoples," and one thanks the gods they have existed.

Yet, further, if one turns to the northern peninsulas where in their greatest purity are to be found our fair northern races, and where the sons of the Sea Kings seem to have retained into these later times among their fjords and frozen forests much of the charm and freshness which we dream of as belonging to our own old northern ances- tors, a charm which lives for ever in their great northern Saga, the loftiest song of battle and the deepest of the love of man and woman that the world has heard, one is not surprised that sons of Scandinavia send out into the world to-day works of genius which conquer its thought as their forefathers conquered the bodies of the men of the ancient world ; one feels that, were the Scandinavian race obliterated, a northern aurora would have faded. ^

While, if one turns one's eyes to the great northland in whose people Europe and Asia mingle, and studies their strangely virile and intense literature and their characters, in which the lion and the lamb are so strangely blended, and men willing to die rather than exercise any form of force towards their fellows are found side by side with those who know of no governing power but the knout ; when one watches this great, strange, strong, gentle, fierce folk, so yet unexhausted, one is strangely drawn towards it and compelled to recognize that the Russian is not merely physically but intellectually one of the mighty modifying forces of the future.

So, if one crosses the sea to the little island of fogs and mists, it may be forgiven to one who has its people's blood in his veins, if, having well studied its people in their past and their present, their heights and their depths,

I If I were compelled to name the most poetical and completely ideal human creature I have met in the course of somewhat complex travels, I should name a Swede whom I once met in Italy. 22


he should say, as the Jew has a right to say of his nation-^ — ** If we are the worst of humanity, we are also of its best ! '* For, like the Jew, if we English have sordid racial vices we have magnificent virtues ; and we resemble him in this, that those very vices which most mark our national character and by which we are known throughout the earth, are the very qualities of which our greatest men and our noblest elements are the negation. As the Jew, marked everywhere by his devotion to material gain and the thirst for wealth, has yet, in his loftiest men of genius, realized the height of spirituality and the negation of all subjection to the sensuous ; so we — the English folk, known throughout the world for our greed of power and pelf, and as tending always to cloak our self-seeking from our own eyes and from that of the world with a mantle of assumed virtue: a tendency which has made the name of England synonymous with hypocrisy and perfidy throughout the world — ^yet possess, in our greatest men and our ethically developed class, a body of individuals whose lives and ideals are a superb opposition to these qualities. Beside the sordid gold-seeker, financial specu- lator, land grabber and buccaneer, stand our Shelley and our Milton ; beside the millions who use philanthropy as a means of self-gratification and a cloak to greed and ambition, are thousands with whom it is a heroic reality. Without any national prejudice may one not say that no people in the world ever possessed a section more deter- mined to see things nakedly as they are, and, whether personally or nationally, to prefer justice to self-interest, than a section of our English people ? Have there ever been statesmen in any land who have more fearlessly denounced injustice and oppression, not merely when exercised towards their own nation but by it, than Burke and Chatham when they raised their voices to op^pose George the Third supported by the bulk of the English nation in their attempt to crush freedom in America ? If no nation has more misrepresented, neglected and per- secuted its sons of light, no nation has had more of them to persecute. If Dante*s dream were a reality, mayhap we should find in that lowest hell, among the sad multitudes



walking round continually with iron weights upon their heads, that every third man was an Englishman ; but we should also scale to no heaven so high that in the highest circle among the brightest spirits we should not find the sons and daughters of the damp little isle. If ten righteous would have saved a city once, shall not a nation be saved by ten millions ? Shall it not be counted for righteous- ness to our stock-jobbers and priests and politicians, who, tongue buried in cheek, talk of spreading Christianity and enlightenment, when he means exploitation and destruc- tion, that he belongs to a race thousands of whose men and women do sincerely desire those things which he affects ? When the great Jew raised over his native city his mighty cry of — " O Jerusalem " — was it not proved by that very cry itself that sons of light were born even in her degenerate bosom ? Was it not something that she gave birth to the prophets whom she killed and stoned ?

It may be allowed any man who has English blood

in his veins to feel that he can never fall in the gulf of

insincerity and egoism but he shall have millions of his

fellow countrymen about him, but also that there are no

heights of sincerity and humanity towards which he may

aspire which thousands of his race have not attained ;

that he belongs to a branch of the human race which, if

it has given birth to some of the most sordid and crumpled

of human blooms, has also borne on it the fairest of fruit.

Even if one turn to the despised African races, one

finds, with much that is immature and childlike, much

that is gracious and charming. That very strength of

I social instinct which characterises so many of them, to

[ whom the social organism is all, the individual composing

\ it so little, far removed as it is from our individualized

[ Northern standpoint, may it not yet have its aspects of

'I value and its lessons for humanity ? The very Bushman,

I so little socialized, and standing almost on the border-line

\ between the creature that speaks whom we call man and

\ the creature that thinks and feels without speaking whom

i we call beast, that he has something of the attraction of

both, would we be without him .'' And may one not



well be glad one was not born so late in the order of life that one never saw him ? And one who has not per- sonally known the Jap, the Chinaman, the Indian, the Afghan, the Spaniard, the Esquimo and the Turk, may well regret that the shortness of human life has made it impossible for him to love and study them all in their own habitats ?

In truth, I am unable to conceive of the varieties and species into which the human race has divided itself as other than varied flowersin the garden of the gods on earth, of which the loss of one would be heavy. In my own garden I desire to see grow all species and kinds of flowers, the rose, the rhododendron, the violet and the orchid and the cactus on the rocks. And I love the purple-eyed periwinkle as well as any plant ; only if it spreads inordinately and threatens to choke all the others do I say, " It is a weed ; pull it up and circumscribe it ! *'


Hanover, Cape of Good Hope, 1901.


Thoughts on South Africa



THERE ARE artlsts who, loving their work, when they have finished it, put it aside for years, that, after the lapse of time, returning to it and reviewing it from the standpoint of distance, they may judge of it in a manner which was not possible while the passion of creation and the link of unbroken emotion bound them to it.

What the artist does intentionally, life often does for us fortuitously in other relationships.

It may be questioned whether a man has ever been able to form an adequate conception of his mother's face in its relation to others, till after long years of absence he has returned to it, and, whether he will or no, there flashes on him the consciousness of its beauty, nobility, weariness, or age as compared with that of others ; a thing which was not possible to him, when it rose for him every morning as the sun, and mingled itself with all the experiences of his day.

What is true of the personal mother is yet more true of the man's native land. It has shaped all his experiences ; it has lain as the background to all his consciousness ; it has modified his sensations and emotions. He can no more pass a calm, relative judgment on it, than an artist



can upon the work he is creating, or a child at the breast can analyze the face above it. The incapacity of peoples to pass judgments on the surroundings from which they have never been separated is familiar to every traveller. The mayor of the little German town does not take you to see the costumes of the peasants, nor the old church, nor the Durer over the altar ; but drags you away to see the new row of gas-lamps in the village street. The costumes, the church, the picture are unique in Europe and the world ; better gas-lamps flame before every butcher's shop in London and Paris ; but the lamps are new and have cost him much ; he cannot view them objectively. The inhabitant of one of the rarest and fairest towns in the colonies or on earth does not boast to you of his oaks and grapes, or ask you what you think of his mountain, or explain to you the marvellous mixture of races in his streets ; but he is anxious to know what you think of his docks and small public buildings. He has not the emotional detachment necessary for the forming of a large critical judgment. A certain distance is neces- ysary to the seeing of great wholes clearly. It is not by '^•^ any chance that the most scientific exposition of American Democracy is the work of a Frenchman, that the best history of the French Revolution is by an Englishman, or that the finest history of English literature is the work of a Frenchman. Distance is essential for a keen,^ salient survey, which shall take in large outlines and mark ^ prominent characteristics.

It is customary to ridicule the traveller who passes rapidly through a country, and then writes his impression of it. The truth is he sees much that is hidden for ever from the eyes of the inhabitants. Habit and custom have blinded them. They are indignant when it is said that their land is arid, that it has few running streams, that its population is scanty, and that vegetables are scarce ; and they are amused and surprised when he discants for three pages on the glorious rarity of their air, and the scientific interest of their mingled peoples : yet these are the prominent external features which differentiate their land from all others. 28


Nevertheless, there is a sense in which the people of a country are justified in their contempt of the bird's-eye view of the stranger. There is a certain knowledge of a land which is only to be gained by one born in it, or brought into long-continued, close, personal contact with it, and which in its perfection is perhaps never obtained by any man with regard to a country which he has not inhabited before he was thirty. It is the subjective emotional sympathy with its nature, and the comprehen- sion not merely of the vices and virtues of its people, but of the how and why of their existence, which is possible to a man only with regard to a country that is more or less his own. The stranger sees the barren scene, but of the emotion which that barren mountain is capable of awakening in the man who lives under its shadow he knows nothing. He marks the curious custom, but of the social condition which originated it, and the passions concerned in its maintenance, he understands absolutely nothing.

This subtle, sympathetic, subjective knowledge of a land and people is that which is essential to the artist, and to the great leader of men. Without it no artist has ever greatly portrayed a land or a people, no great statesman or reformer has ever led or guided a nation or race. To Balzac nothing was easier than to paint the Paris boarding-house. All the united intellect and genius of Europe could not have painted it if the grimy respectability of those chairs and tables, the sordid narrow- ness of the faded human lives, had not eaten first into their own substance, emotionally. To a Gladstone nothing is easier than to make a speech which shall move five thousand